Window Comparator/Voltage Sensitive Switch TLV1701

Window Comparator/Voltage Sensitive Switch TLV1701 This circuit utilizes two comparators in parallel to determine if a signal is between two reference voltages. If the signal is within the window, the output is high. If the signal level is outside of the window, the output is low. For this design, the reference voltages are generated from a single supply with voltage

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Heat Activated Cooling Fan Controller Circuit Using LM393-LM358 & LM35 Temperature Sensor

Heat activated cooling fan controller ( Thermal Activated Cooling Fan Driver Circuit) is a simple project which operates a Brush-Less fan when the temperature in a particular area goes above a set point, when temperature return normal, fan automatically turns off. The project is built using LM358 Op-amp ( Use LM393 instead for good performance) ,  and LM35 temperature Sensor.

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